Achilles tendon repair postop protocol penrose physical. Since the achilles tendon is among the most pow ful musculotendinous structures within the human body, the effect of an injury to the achilles tendon becomes magnified. It is designed for rehabilitation following post operative achilles tendon repair. Achilles tendon rupture postsurgical gundersen health system. The objective of the swansea morriston achilles rupture treatment smart protocol was to create rationalised decisionmaking for patients with a ruptured achilles tendon and a rationalised and.
A hip strengthening protocol for a patient following. It is normal for the ankle to bleed and swell following surgery. Achilles tendon repair surgery rehabilitation protocol preoperative instructions here are guidelines that will help you in preparing for surgery to repair your achilles tendon. The achilles tendon is the strongest and thickest tendon in the human body 1, 2. The achilles tendon is a strong tendon that connects the calf muscles to the heel. Proximal hamstring tendon repair rehab protocol weeks 06 goal. You may learn more about how the stone clinic repairs achilles. Achilles tendon repair postsurgical rehabilitation program. Often the tendon is very tender to touch when gently squeezed. Operative repair has more complications, but lower rerupture rate, than non. It attaches the calf muscles soleus and gastrocnemius to the heel bone. Accelerated achilles protocol indiana total therapy.
There may be a tender lump andor audible clicking from the tendon when you move your ankle. List all journals, articles, books and any other information used to establish this protocol in apa format. Achilles tendon repair rehab protocol below we outline the steps that we have our patients take to recover from achilles tendon repair surgery. If it does, rest the patient until pain level is clearly decreasing. Activities such as walking, running or jumping places stress on the tendon. Rehab practice guidelines for achilles tendon repair. Static balance exercises begin in 2 foot stand, then 2 foot stand on balance board.
Progress to full weightbearing, arom to at least neutral, early. Pad placement medial and lateral gastrocnemius 2,500 hz modulated at 75 bursts per second 2 second ramp time 10 on 50 second off 1015 contractions. It attaches the calf muscles soleus and gastrocnemius to the heel bone calcaneus. Postop days 1 10 bracesplint watch for skin breakdown crutches non weight bearing nwb active motion. Specific intervention should be based on the needs of the individual and should consider exam findings and clinical decision making. The achilles tendon is a strong tendon attaching the two major calf muscles gastrocnemius and soleus to the heel bone calcaneus. Achilles tendon repair postoperative instructions what is the recovery period like. The first known open repair of an acute achilles tendon rupture. Weeks 0 to 4 weight bearing non weight bearing with crutcheswalker exercise no active. Pdf acute achilles tendon rupture is a frequent and potentially disabling injury. Rehabilitation guidelines for achilles tendon repair.
Achilles tendon repair rehabilitation postoperative guideline. Achilles tendon repair january 2005 1 of 2 these guidelines are intended for compensation services and clinical staff as general guides for the direction, timing and expected outcomes for postsurgical. The calf muscle is a major muscle we use for running, jumping and climbing. When the repaired achilles tendon heals in a lengthened position, the physiologic performance may be inferior to that of an achilles tendon of normal length. Rehabilitation guidelines for achilles tendon repair uw health. Rehabilitation guidelines for achilles tendon repair the achilles tendon is the strongest and thickest tendon in the body. For best outcomes, the achilles tendon repair is typically performed within 2 weeks of the injury and recovery is expected to take between 6 to 9 months. Postop instructions for achilles tendon repair jacob b.
The achilles tendon is the strongest, yet most frequently ruptured, tendon in the body. This evidencebased achilles tendon repair is criterionbased. Department of physiotherapy department of sport and. Achilles repair rehabilitation protocol key considerations. This protocol provides you with general guidelines for initial stage and progression of rehabilitation according to specified time frames, related. This splint starts at the toes, goes along the undersurface of the foot, behind the ankle, and up the calf to stop just below the knee. Avoid all passive motion into df for 1st 6 weeks postop 3. The glsm achilles tendon repair postsurgical rehabilitation program is an evidence based. Altru advanced orthopedics achilles tendon repair rehabilitation protocol the intent of this protocol is to provide the therapist with a guideline for the postop rehab of a patient who has had an achilles. Achilles tendon rupture is either managed conservatively with a cast or surgically. Treatment options for an achilles tendon rupture include surgical repair and conservative nonsurgical rehabilitation. Progress to your normal diet if you are not nauseated.
Pdf this article describes rehabilitation protocol after percutaneous achilles tendon suture. Modifications to this guideline may be necessary dependent on physician. Achilles repair rehab protocol formal rehabilitation typically begins four to six weeks postoperatively. Achilles tendon repair the achilles tendon is the strongest and thickest tendon in the body. Manual resistance exercises, but cautious with df resistance. Comparison of achilles tendon suture repair techniques. The glsm achilles tendon repair postsurgical rehabilitation program is an evidencebased. Avoid creating pain discomfort is okay but pain should not occur and persist 3 days in a row. Pdf background achilles tendon rupture atr is a common sports injury, with a rising. I was jumping and lighting upon my toes without allowing my heels to.
Achilles tendon repair postop rehabilitation protocol. Murphy, md board certified orthopedic surgeon specializing in sports medicine and arthroscopy 10475 centurion pkwy. Treatment and rehabilitation pdf diseases of the achilles tendon are worldwide, affecting individuals in a vast assortment of age classes. Achilles repair protocol northwestern medical center. The injury is often accompanied by an audible and palpable pop, with limited ability to push off of the injured limb. Rehabilitation protocols southeast georgia health system. Pad placement medial and lateral gastrocnemius 2,500 hz modulated at. Foot and ankle the treatment of a rupture of the achilles. As we lose some flexibility and strength over time, it becomes more difficult for the achilles tendon. Stirton, md diet begin with clear liquids and light foods jello, soups, etc. The national orthopaedic hospital cappagh designated activity company dac company no. The diagnosis of an achilles tendon rupture is made from clinical.
Rehabilitation protocol general principles this protocol for achilles tendon repair is designed to provide the rehabilitation professional with a general guideline for patient care with the alterg anti. Achilles tendon rupture atr is a common sports injury, with a rising incidence and significant. Sometimes a small tendon in the leg is also used to reinforce the achilles tendon repair. The achilles tendon is the most frequently ruptured tendon in the body and rupture most commonly occurs in men ages 3050. The injury is often accompanied by an audible and palpable pop with limited ability to push off of the injured limb. Achilles tendon repair surgery rehabilitation protocol preoperative instructions.
Rehabilitation protocol for achilles tendon repair this protocol is intended to guide clinicians and patients through the postoperative course for an achilles tendon repair. Return to sport may take 9 to 12 months depending on the severity of injury and nature of the sport the patient desires to play. Protocols for achilles ruptures value of collaboration. Splint and walking brace o you will wear a short leg hard splint and ace wrap for the 1014 days.
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